Friday, September 28, 2007

OK here is the skinny on the CASINO GAMMING issue

We got a hot tip for everyone! People who are attracted to gambling are going to find a way to gamble no matter what laws are on the books!

The real question is this: "What Will legalized Expanded Gaming do for Kentucky Residents?" The answer is simple, it will provide a greater revenue stream for Kentucky. Thus enabling the government of the commonwealth to do more for the people without raising taxes.

Where will the money go? Well if we, the citizens of the Commonwealth, do our job as good citizens and hold our legislators feet to the fire, it will go where 'We the People' determine it is most needed. If they fail to do what we desire we can simply vote those legislators out and vote new ones in. Let us NEVER forget that government is the SERVANT of the people and the people determine what the government can and cannot do. If you doubt that sit down and take a serious read of the State and Federal Constitutions. They say exactly what they mean and mean exactly what they say. Sadly, of late, 'We the people' have failed in our duty to demand OUR will be done and not the will of our elected officials. That is our fault and we need to correct it!

Right now thee are poker games, black jack games, dice games, roulette games, and one and on going on in Kentucky. YES I MEAN RIGHT NOW! I don't care what time of the day you are reading this or what day of the week it is they are going on RIGHT NOW! Who is profiting from this 'underground gaming'? The criminal element within the commonwealth that does not pay taxes or contribute to the welfare of your community, or for that matter, any community within the state!

Remember the 'roaring twenties'? Prohibition? Who profited from that law that banned the sale of alcohol? Organized crime that's who. Who profits from the back room gaming that goes on daily in the Commonwealth? It is NOT the citizens of the Commonwealth. Of that you can be assured.

Facts are facts and they are these:

1. Gamblers are going to gamble regardless of the laws on the books.
2. We can go with the current system that lets adjoining states and the criminals profit from our lack of action.
3. We can act to correct the problem by electing a Governor who will sign expanded gaming into law.

Are you a Kentuckian or are you an out-of-stater? Do you want to improve the lot of your fellow Kentuckians or do you just not care?

A wise man once said "Those who do not stand for something will fall for anything!"

Are YOU ready to stand up? The future of the Commonwealth of Kentucky is in your hands!

This Republican believes that Steve Beshear can, lead the Commonwealth forward and provide significant and tangible benefits to the citizens of the state!

Or you can stick with 'good ole Ernie' and take your chances. It really is up to you! The future of the Commonwealth of Kentucky is really in your hands. Put your personal feelings aside and make the right choice for the Commonwealth of Kentucky!


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