Monday, September 3, 2007

Small town Republican with a big mouth

[Wait until they get a load of me] of my favorite quotes of all time.

Republican in Kentucky is voice of reason among the lame ass proponents and opponents of Republican politics in Kentucky. I have lived in Kentucky for 3 years and a few months [Kentucky is beautiful]. Our Grand Old Party is in shambles [short lived success] in Kentucky.

[no wonder everyone hates me]


Anonymous said...

You, sir, are an idiot.

If you choose to believe Greg Stumbo's nonsense, then there is no hope for you.

Go join Jeff Poole and Steve Manning and have yourselves a nice little circle and revel in how you've been duped by the most personally corrupt and unscrupulous political hack in the mountains.

Anonymous said...

At least Stumbo tries to do his job. It seems the majority approves of the AG!